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lorileigh Profiloplysninger

If you want I am! ;)
Alder 32 Fra Earls Court, United Kingdom - Online - Over 2 uger siden
Kvinde Søger en Mand

Grundlæggende oplysninger

Jeg beskriver mig selv som  
Im 18, currently an art student.
I live in, and love London. But don't get me wrong...travelling is one of the things I want to do more than anything. I love gigs, clubs, anywhere with an 'atmosphere' and where you can have fun.
My interests include, listening to music and discovering new bands, cooking, surfing (when i get the chance, even though I only know how to fall off the board).
I suppose the idea guy I'm looking for on here, is first and foremost a friend. Someone with similir interests, that I can have a laugh with and not take it all too seriously.
Im not into the whole 'will he or wont he call' thing, so, for now, I just want to have fun, discover new things, be 'wined and dined' and explore.

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er  
Min højde er  
165 cm
Mine øjne er  
Min etnicitet er  
Min civilstand er  
Jeg har børn  
Jeg vil have børn  
Ikke sikker
Mit bedste karaktertræk er  
Piercet... Men kun øre(r)
Mit hår er  
Jeg har en eller flere af disse  
Villig til at flytte  


Mit uddannelsesniveau er  
Lidt af universitetet
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er  
Mit speciale er  
Kunst / musik / litteratur
Min jobtitel er  
I'm an 'art student'
Jeg tjener så meget på et år  
Under $100.000USD om året
Jeg bor  
Med forældre, Med kæledyr
Der er ingen støj
Jeg er ryger  
Ja - til fester
Jeg drikker  
Ja - til fester


I gymnasiet var jeg  
Stille type
Min sociale opførsel er  
Reserveret, Genert, Venlig
Mine interesser og hobbier er  
Læsning, Musik, Tv, Film, Internet, Spil, Gå på diskotek / barer, Familie, Fotografering, Madlavning, Computer, Shopping
Min idé om at have det sjovt er  
Være sammen med venner, Feste, Shoppe, Være hjemme, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Sove, Diskotek / barer, Drikke, Læse en bog, Gå på casino, Spille computerspil, Tv, Tage til koncert
En ideel første date ville være  
Lol...well, considering the first date I went on was a trip to 'B&Q', theres not much to say.
I like dates where you can get to know a person through conversation. Having said that I do like fun dates, not just sitting and drinking coffee, or the backrow of a cinema.
I like conversation, humour and a chance to have fun.
Jeg har altid villet prøve  
Theres a lot of things I havent been able to do out of circumstance...but being 18, I figured, I may as well thro my self in the deep end and try A LOT.
I have never been a very decisive person, and i often cant think of things....all I know is..if theres an offer for 'something new', i'd give it a go.
But, one thing i do want to a road trip through Europe.
Mine venner beskriver mig som  
Venlig, Ballademager, Cool, En flirt


Min religion er  
Spirituel, men ikke religiøs
Jeg deltager i tjenester  
Mit mål i livet er  
Many people say...bring world piece, be famous, be rich, yada yada...but, my goal in life would be, to have travelled all the places I have wanted to visit. Learn about different cultures and places, wine and dine and dance in foreign countries.
Complete that road trip through Europe...
And mainly just have enough money to live on and get by.
Min form for humor er  
Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fræk


I tv ser jeg altid  
Tegnefilm, Dramaer, Film, Reality Shows, Genudsendelser
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en  
Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romantik, Drama
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til  
Rock, Elektronisk, Dance, Punk
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid  
Fantasy, Fiktion, Gys, Humor, Jeg er forfatter
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er idea of fun?
Having a lot of friends, music, good atmosphere, preferably alcohol though not necessary.
I like to try different things.
Listening to music at top volume and daincing like a loser in the privacy of my bedroom.
I write fictional stories (though, never completed one).
That's all I can think of for now...but I would always be up to try new things and new experiences.

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?  
Flot udseende, Humor, Følsomhed, Spontanitet, Morsom, Omtanke
Hvad leder du efter?  
I always used to think my type was, Tall, dark and handsome, with skinny jeans and tattoos.
But, now i've realised I just want someone who makes me laugh, isn't rude, spontaneous, thoughtful and full of passion.
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?  
Internetven, Ven, Intim