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helen0001 Profiloplysninger

Alder 47 Fra Earls Court, United Kingdom - Online - Over 2 uger siden
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Grundlæggende oplysninger

Jeg beskriver mig selv som  
Easy going, fun loving what-you-see-is-what-you-get kinda girl.
I am 'the glass is half full' kinda girl. Not one to dwell or moan. I enjoy people that are easygoing who get on with anyone. I am a big family person so I am looking for someone of the same mind. I have 3 wonderful kids whom I love to spend time play fighting, jumping in puddles with and going on adventures. It allows me to be a big kid at times which rocks : )

Pet peeves are people who are jealous, lazy, rude and who have a big ego.

I am drawn to men that are ambitious and good and what they do.

I come across as quite loud and confident yet I am quite shy. I tend to mirror the people around me so I like to surround myself with a good group of people.

I love being spontaneous (as much as you can with kids : ) and enjoy the simple things in life. I love to travel when I can and have been to some amazing places. Being Greek Cypriot and having properties there I love to go to Cyprus as often as I can and chill out and eat some fab food.
I moved back to England a year ago after living in America for 5 years. I absolutely love the States.
I used to be a City girl with a great job and excellent social life before I decided to start settle down.
I am now enjoying living in the suburbs and enjoy the beauty of my little village although I enjoy getting my 'London fix' and go as often as I can.
I can laugh at myself and take a joke well, that's if I get it : ). Do not get offended often and I love nothing more then cranking up my fav tunes in the car or at home and singing as out of tune and loud as I can whilst dancing ....hehe

My obsession at the moment is cooking and I love Jamie Oliver's cook books. I love to cook for the people I love even if it doesn't turn out quite like Jamie's : )

So if you can handle me and are ready to enjoy all I have to offer and don't mind some potentially amazing times ahead, let's chat : )

I leave you with my cheesy yet valid quote:

All I want in life is to be happy.

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er  
Min højde er  
163 cm
Mine øjne er  
Min etnicitet er  
Min civilstand er  
Jeg har børn  
Ja - hjemme
Mit bedste karaktertræk er  
Jeg har en eller flere af disse  
Villig til at flytte  


Mit uddannelsesniveau er  
Lidt af gymnasiet
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er  
Mit speciale er  
Administration / ledelse
Jeg bor  
Med børn
Nogle gange er det vildt
Jeg er ryger  
Jeg drikker  
Ja - til fester


I gymnasiet var jeg  
Min sociale opførsel er  
Venlig, Uadvendt
Mine interesser og hobbier er  
Kunst og håndværk, Sport, Læring, Musik, Tv, Film, Internet, Spil, Gå på diskotek / barer, Dans, Familie, Spise til middag, Teater, Rejser, Madlavning, Biler, Kortspil, Gambling, Computer
Min idé om at have det sjovt er  
Være sammen med venner, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Afslappende, Sove, Gå på casino, Spille computerspil, Tv, Tage til koncert
En ideel første date ville være  
Coffee and conversation or in my case tea : ) Or something fun or silly to break the ice. Like ice skating or a fun fair oh and bowling is an ice breaker!
Jeg har altid villet prøve  
go on a cruise with family, find a job where I can help disadvantaged people. Do a couple of courses, like cooking. Do a cruise around the World when I retire or before.
Mine venner beskriver mig som  


Min religion er  
Jeg deltager i tjenester  
En gang om året
Mit mål i livet er  
Min form for humor er  
Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fjollet, Fræk


I tv ser jeg altid  
Tegnefilm, Dramaer, Sitcoms, Film, Sport, Reality Shows, Genudsendelser
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en  
Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Familie, Animation, Gys, Thriller
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til  
Rap, Rock, Pop, New age, Dance, Soul, Reggae
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid  
Selvbiografi, Biografi, Sundhed, Humor
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er  
As simple as a walk through the forest in the village I live. Jumping in muddy puddles in the rain with the kids. I love spare of the moment things like booking a weekend away and leaving the same day by car or plane. Going to a good concert or sporting event, especially tennis. Having a family Sunday roast and kicking back with family is one of my favs. Cooking is a passion and mainly fun. Cranking up the music and dancing to bad 80's music. To nice hotels and great food. Am a easy creature to please : )

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?  
Intelligens, Humor, Dygtighed, Empati, Spontanitet, Magt, Morsom, Omtanke
Hvad leder du efter?  
Someone who is a grafter. Someone who enjoys life and doesn't take it too seriously (apart from when it comes to work) I family guy. Someone that is happy to go have a sunday roast at his parents house and chill out. A thoughtful, sweet gentle giant : ) I person that is sociable and confident and good at what he does is extremely attractive to me. Finally some that can take a joke and laugh at themselves....
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?  
Dato, Forpligtet